Sacred Pathways: Nine Ways to Connect with God
Have you ever noticed that you don't connect with Jesus the same way as everyone else? Have you ever felt bad about that... maybe judged yourself or felt judged by others because you don't connect with God in the same way? You are not alone. And I put this resource together for you:
Assessment & Guide
This PDF will guide you through your discovery of your sacred pathway.
God doesn’t create people in cookie-cutter fashion. Each of us is unique. As a result, different kinds of experiences make us feel closer to God. One of the amazing things about Jesus is that he has created us all uniquely, and thus, the ways we connect with him are unique. Like a parent who connects with his or her kids differently, God connects with us uniquely.
Now there are some common ways we all share that connects us with God (scripture, prayer, spiritual disciplines). Still, in addition to that, there are unique ways we enter into those practices or simply unique ways we foster a relationship with God. This is precisely what Gary Thomas explores in his book Sacred Pathways: Nine Ways of Connecting with God. The PDF I share here is a simple way to engage with his insights and apply them to your life with God. Sacred pathways help us identify the ways we most naturally connect with God. There are a total of nine pathways. Most people gravitate toward one or two of them.