Brunch Church at Webber Park | Sundays at 10:30 AM
A big neighborhood family table
So... what does Brunch Church actually look like?
Who: YOU! Neighbors, Friends and the North City Community.
What: It will start with a meal, there will be kids programming, worship, and focused teaching designed to set up discussion around the table.
When: Sundays at 10:30 am
Where: Webber Park Community Center
Why: A few years ago our community said "if we want to love our neighbors, we ought to know them, if we want to know them, we ought to eat with them." Brunch Church creates a space where our neighbors and the friends feel comfortable joining us around the table.
What about kids, will there be programming for them?
YES! One of the exciting parts about being a church that eats together, is that we will are able to continue (and enhance) our efforts to love our kiddos. In addition to stellar age-appropriate programming for kids, our church offers the beautiful opportunity for them to see you, as their parent interacting with friends and strangers in a loving way around a table. It’s hard to measure how deep of impact this will have on their faith.
What about teaching? Will there be sermons?
Our teachings are typically shorter than most church expressions. Our teachings are usually 10-15 minutes focused on the way of Jesus, and are specifically designed to spark conversation around tables following the teaching.
What about music? Will there be Worship?
Durning the brunch time we focus on connecting around the table. When the meal is wrapping up we come together for a kid-focused worship song before we send the kids into their programming. Later after the Teaching and discussion, we sing one or two worship songs that connect with that week’s story. Our worship team works hard to curate a simple yet engaging worship experience that fits our relationally focused gatherings. We aren’t focused on production and show, we are focused on authentic connection with God and each other.
How’s the food? Is it a potluck? Where does the food come from?
Most of our meals are semi-catered (a mix of items from local restaurants or grocers with some home-cooked). We do our best to provide GF and Dairy Free options every week. The meals are paid for by the mission partners of North City (the people who call North City home) through their monthly financial participation in our mission.