Plan a Visit — North City Church

Hi neighbor, we’re glad you’re here!

Come experience church around a table.

Weekly Community Meals where strangers become friends and neighbors and get invited into the family of God.

What does church around a table look like?


A place where neighbors become friends and get invited into the family of God.

North City has a unique way of being the church. Our Sunday gatherings are large community meals where we primarily connect with each other around the table. We find that we love God more deeply, love each other better, and spend our Sundays actually loving the neighbors who are with us (instead of merely hoping to throughout the week).

What should I expect?

Good Food - We start with a community meal (often catered from a local eatery). This is our expression of communion or the Lord’s Supper. We see this meal as a Jesus meal, where we expectantly anticipate Jesus to show up in our conversations and in our relationships with each other. He does, and it’s beautiful.

Live Worship Music - Though we don’t have congregational worship (all of us singing together) on Sundays we do have live worship underscoring our meal together. We often find ourselves pausing, and getting caught up in the lyrics, worshiping God as we listen - even singing along.

A Jesus Story - We don’t have sermons as you may know them. Instead, we take 8-10 minutes for one of our communicators to share a story from Jesus. This is meant not only for our spiritual development but also to set up optional discussions around our tables.

Kids Programing - We say at North City kids are not just the future of the church they are the church now! So, we invite them to be with us around the table for the first part of our time, then send some of them out to age-appropriate programming (see details below). Jr. High and High Schoolers hang with us at the tables on Sundays and have student ministry programing at other points in the week (inquire for details).

Blessing and Prayer - We close our time with a prayer of blessing as we are sent out to our week focused on loving our neighbors in the way of Jesus. We also create space for prayer for those who desire it. We believe Jesus can heal us, so we make space to seek that health for each other every week.




We believe kids are not just the future of the church, they are the church now.

Family life ministry at North City is designed to not only create a fun and engaging environment where your kid(s) can connect with Jesus, we also partner with parents to empower kids in our mission - to love their (little & grown-up)neighbors in the way of Jesus.

Sunday is a big part of empowering your kiddo.

Our team members (north city community members who love your kids already) are ready to lead age-specific programming that is fun, engaging and empowering, and always creates opportunities for you to follow up at home.

Kids join us at the table for the community meal. After the meal we have kids programming from birth-5th grade.

We take safety seriously. All children will check-in at the welcome desk. All of our family life team is background screened, and we always have at least 2 family life team members leading each class.


Jesus Stories & Teachings


Equipping and encouragement for everyday mission.

Our team of communicators at North City are focused on crafting teachings designed to help you live into the way of Jesus. We take an honest look at everyday life and ask how the story of Jesus and the story of scripture can shape who we are becoming. We’ll often have a string of sermons with a common theme or that focus on a book of the bible, called a series.

Something that’s important to us: multiple voices. That’s why we have a team of preachers. Our primary team is Pastor JD & CA and some of the staff, but We will seek to bring diverse voices from in, and outside our community. We also try our best to tell the stories of what God is doing in our community members’ lives, often by creating space for sharing stories.

Get ready to join in the discussion. At our weekly gatherings, we don’t just preach at you, we want to learn with you. We think your voice, perspective, and questions matter. Almost every time there is a teaching, there is discussion (or as we like to all it “Listening time”) where there is a chance for you to hear from about 4-5 others around your table and a chance for you to share (that is if you want to, no pressure - we all it listening time because offering others a listening ear is just as important as contributing a thought or reflection).

Check out our teachings and Jesus stories on our podcast